Dental implants in Vienna, page 2

Dental implant

Dental implants in Vienna

What is a dental implant? Whether caused by an accident or just by age, gaps in your teeth are always annoying – especially when they are located in the visible part of your mouth and thereby ruin your otherwise bright smile. Oh no! But don’t despair, for there is a proven remedy to this problem: introducing, the dental implant...
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What is a dental implant?

Whether caused by an accident or just by age, gaps in your teeth are always annoying – especially when they are located in the visible part of your mouth and thereby ruin your otherwise bright smile. Oh no! But don’t despair, for there is a proven remedy to this problem: introducing, the dental implant.

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a removed tooth root (most often made out of titanium) that is inserted into your jawbone so it can bond with the bone matter and then serve as the basis for a permanent tooth replacement, such as a dental crown or a dental bridge. These tooth replacements can be made of either metal or porcelain and the latter are definitely patients’ favorites given their pearly white color and their tooth-like shape and appearance that allow them to perfectly blend in with your healthy teeth. Additional important advantages of dental implants are:     

  • Fully restored ability to chew
  • Completely unimpeded ability to speak
  • Avoidance of a removable tooth replacement (denture)
  • No foreign body sensation
Also positive is the fact that dental implants are generally safe and the complication rates associated with them are very low (~35% over the first 5 years after the implantation). In terms of durability, these implants also score very well and can often last a lifetime.

When do I need a dental implant?

An implant is a good option when one or more missing teeth are not only lowering the functionality of your jaw but are also causing an aesthetic appearance issue if they are located in the visible part of your mouth. Such tooth gaps are effectively addressed via dental implants which can blend in with your healthy teeth to such a degree that virtually nobody will be able to tell the difference.

The implantation itself can be done with either local anesthesia or, upon patient request, with general anesthesia. This makes the procedure generally pain-free and even afterwards most patients do not feel any discomfort. Over the few months after the procedure the patient needs to wear a provisional tooth replacement to give the implant enough time to bond with the jawbone. Once that happens, the dentist installs the permanent tooth replacement on top of the implant.

How much does a dental implant cost?

The cost of a dental implant, of the implantation itself, and of the permanent tooth replacement directly depend on a patient’s bone mass and density, the used material, and the exact scope of the implantation procedure. With that said, there are still some orientation prices available that could provide helpful insight.
  • Single tooth gap (not visible): starting at EUR 1,800
  • Single tooth gap (visible) filled with an aesthetically shaped tooth replacement: starting at EUR 4,000
In cases of multiple tooth gaps next to each other, a dentist may also use dental bridges because not every single tooth will need to be replaced by its own implant. For example, 2 implants and a bridge are sufficient to replace 3-4 teeth.
  • Price per implant: starting at EUR 1,800
  • Price per bridge link: starting at EUR 350
Selection of a cheaper tooth replacement option instead of an aesthetically shaped tooth replacement can potentially yield savings of up to 30%. Some insurance carriers in Vienna and Austria also provide a benefit payment to patients of EUR 200 - EUR 700 while other insurance carriers only provide financial assistance in medically necessary cases (e.g., tumors, etc.). Patients with private insurance may, depending on their specific policies, even receive reimbursement for 100% of the cost of the entire procedure.

We hope that you found this primer helpful and invite you to take a look at our blog for more interesting and hopefully helpful information.

All the Best & see you soon, Ace!

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