Dentures in Vienna


Dentures in Vienna

What is a dental prosthesis or denture? Whether caused by an accident or just by age, gaps in your teeth are always annoying – especially when they are located in the visible part of your mouth! To help their patients out in such cases, many dentists recommend considering a dental prosthesis or a denture . Though dentures come in...
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Featured Dentist
Kasra Saremi-Rad

Dr. Med. Dent.

Insurances: All Insurances


Langegasse 65

1080 Vienna

Featured for
  • Implantology
  • Periodontology
  • General Dentistry

Featured for

  • Implantology
  • Periodontology
  • General Dentistry
Julia Szlepak

Insurances: KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Werdertorgasse 12/8, 1010 Wien

1010 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Julia Szlepak

Insurances: Dentist of Choice , Private Practice

Clinic: Aventurin dental practice


Graben 31,Top 11

1010 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Csenge Oszkó

Katalin Martyan

Medic.Dent., MSc

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Leonard-Bernstein Straße 8/1/EG6

1220 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Katalin Martyan

Insurances: All Insurances


Taborstr. 76/1/3, 1020 Wien

1020 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Axel Schwehr

Kasra Saremi-Rad

Dr. Med. Dent.

Insurances: All Insurances


Langegasse 65

1080 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Kasra Saremi-Rad

Alireza Emami Nouri, Msc

Insurances: ÖGK , SVS , VA , PVA , BVAEB , KFA , Private Practice


Burggasse 105/2

1070 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Alireza Emami Nouri

Oksana Nirk

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Südtiroler Platz 7/10

1040 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Oksana Nirk

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Porzellangasse 27/7A

1090 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Insurances: All Insurances , ÖGK , SVS , BVAEB , KFA


Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Sablania 
Spezialisten- Zahnspange, Implantate
Ordination/ Forsthausgasse 16-20, Stiege 3, EG, 1200 Wien,
Alle Kassen und Privat

Mo - Fr : 10 - 17 Uhr

1200 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry
Dimitar Raynov


Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Liechtensteinstraße 46 Top 3 Stock Mezzanin (über Erdgeschoss)

1090 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Dimitar Raynov

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What is a dental prosthesis or denture?

Whether caused by an accident or just by age, gaps in your teeth are always annoying – especially when they are located in the visible part of your mouth! To help their patients out in such cases, many dentists recommend considering a dental prosthesis or a denture. Though dentures come in many shapes and forms, the vast majority of them more than likely fall into the following categories:  

Partial Denture – This type of denture is removable and can only be used for patients who have a sufficient number of healthy teeth left. A partial denture consists of a simple steel frame with fake teeth mounted on top of it and can be attached to surrounding teeth via built-in clips Though this anchoring mechanism is quite simple and effective, a denture’s clips can exert additional pressure onto healthy teeth and also potentially cause tooth decay at and around the covered areas. Additionally, clips do not look too aesthetically pleasing when used on patients’ front teeth. While more discreet anchoring mechanisms are available, they also come with the need for additional preparatory work such as, for example, putting crowns onto adjacent healthy teeth.               

Overdenture – A removable tooth replacement that is best suited for patients who cannot accommodate dental bridges due to too many missing teeth (i.e., not enough teeth to anchor the bridges). To insert an overdenture, a dentist has to first place crowns on several of the patient’s remaining healthy teeth which afterwards serve as anchor points (also known as anchor crowns) for the actual overdenture. This type of denture is fairly durable and also allows for very effective oral hygiene by the patient him- or herself. 

Full Denture (False Teeth) – For patients without even a single healthy tooth in their jaws, a full denture is often the only viable option. This denture type is made out of synthetic material and is held in place in a patient’s mouth solely by the suction power of the oral mucosa (mucous membrane of the mouth).  

When do I need a dental prosthesis or denture?

A denture becomes necessary when a patient seeks to replace one or more missing teeth but is not interested in any other potential tooth replacement option such as, for example, dental implants.

Partial Denture – As already mentioned, this denture type is only viable for patients who have a sufficient number of healthy teeth to serve as anchors. Also, it is the by far most cost-effective denture type and can be deployed very quickly within only a week. Therefore, a partial denture is an ideal option for patients who are unable to afford dental implants and who are looking for a quick and not necessarily highly-aesthetic solution.   

Overdenture – A very appropriate option for patients who only have 2-5 healthy teeth left in their jaws. Though this denture type is more expensive than a partial denture, it is still more cost-effective than dental implants and also more quickly deployable (within only 4 appointments in 4 weeks). As a result, an overdenture is a solid choice for patients with few healthy teeth who cannot afford dental implants and who are looking for a relatively quick solution.  

Full Denture (False Teeth) – A viable option for patients without any remaining healthy teeth that is, as all of the other denture types, significantly more cost-effective than dental implants. As long as a full denture does not evoke a patient's urge to gag, it is highly recommended for the budget-conscious treatment seeker.   

How much does a dental prosthesis or denture cost?

Governmental insurers reimburse for a tooth replacement as long as a dentist deems it absolutely medically necessary and as long as it is the most cost-effective option that is available to a patient – in other words, insurers pay for the simplest type of dentures that often do not look aesthetically pleasing. Should a patient, however, decide to go with a higher-value dental prosthesis, he or she will have to face out-of-pocket costs commensurate with the total amount of time and work spent by the dentist on diagnosis, denture manufacture, and denture fitting and placement. Nevertheless, the following guidelines can provide useful information prior to an appointment: 
  • Partial Denture: EUR 400-700 (very often paid for by insurers – so no patient co-pay)
  • Overdenture: starting at roughly EUR 2,000 for 2 carrier crowns and the prosthesis itself  
    • Prosthesis: up to EUR 850
    • Carrier Crown: EUR 700-900 each
    • Patient co-pay is difficult to estimate and depends directly on the exact placement of the prosthesis, the number of carrier crowns, and the used material
  • Full Denture: up to EUR 2,000
    • Lower jaw: EUR 750-850 (patient co-pay: roughly EUR 500)
    • Upper jaw: EUR 700-800 (patient co-pay: roughly EUR 500)
We hope that you found this primer helpful and invite you to take a look at our blog for more interesting and hopefully helpful information.

All the Best & see you soon, Ace!

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