


What is periodontology? The field of periodontology deals with the treatment of diseases of the periodontium and the gums and has increased in terms of importance in the field of dental medicine in recent years. Especially for orthodontic treatments, it is of significant importance to first examine the health of a patient's periodontium...
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Kasra Saremi-Rad

Dr. Med. Dent.

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Langegasse 65

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Julia Szlepak

Insurances: KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Werdertorgasse 12/8, 1010 Wien

1010 Vienna


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Julia Szlepak

Insurances: Dentist of Choice , Private Practice

Clinic: Aventurin dental practice


Graben 31,Top 11

1010 Vienna


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Csenge Oszkó

Katalin Martyan

Medic.Dent., MSc

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Leonard-Bernstein Straße 8/1/EG6

1220 Vienna


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Katalin Martyan

Insurances: All Insurances


Taborstr. 76/1/3, 1020 Wien

1020 Vienna


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Axel Schwehr

Kasra Saremi-Rad

Dr. Med. Dent.

Insurances: All Insurances


Langegasse 65

1080 Vienna


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Kasra Saremi-Rad

Alireza Emami Nouri, Msc

Insurances: ÖGK , SVS , VA , PVA , BVAEB , KFA , Private Practice


Burggasse 105/2

1070 Vienna


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Alireza Emami Nouri

Oksana Nirk

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Südtiroler Platz 7/10

1040 Vienna


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Oksana Nirk

Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Porzellangasse 27/7A

1090 Vienna


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  • General Dentistry

Insurances: All Insurances , ÖGK , SVS , BVAEB , KFA


Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Sablania 
Spezialisten- Zahnspange, Implantate
Ordination/ Forsthausgasse 16-20, Stiege 3, EG, 1200 Wien,
Alle Kassen und Privat

Mo - Fr : 10 - 17 Uhr

1200 Vienna


Show Specialties
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  • Pediatric Dentistry
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  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Orthodontics fixed (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry
Dimitar Raynov


Insurances: SVS , KFA , Dentist of Choice , Private Practice


Liechtensteinstraße 46 Top 3 Stock Mezzanin (über Erdgeschoss)

1090 Vienna


Show Specialties
  • Private Practice Dentist
  • Dentist of Choice
  • Dental Radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology
  • Orthodontics removable (braces)
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Prevention
  • General Dentistry

Dimitar Raynov

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What is periodontology?

The field of periodontology deals with the treatment of diseases of the periodontium and the gums and has increased in terms of importance in the field of dental medicine in recent years. Especially for orthodontic treatments, it is of significant importance to first examine the health of a patient's periodontium in order to identify any potential diseases that may become risk factors for the success of the procedure.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a chronic inflammation of the periodontium and usually develops out of a more benign gum inflammation (also known as gingivitis). As opposed to gingivitis, which only affects the gums of a patient, a periodontitis has an adverse impact on other parts of the periodontium as well. Both gum diseases are caused by so-called biofilms (dental plaque on which bacteria grow and multiply) which usually start out in between two teeth and then grow across the remaining dental surface and the gum lines. Additional risk factors that can contribute to the contraction and worsening of both diseases include smoking, stress, and diabetes.

Since a periodontitis is a chronic disease, it can adversely affect one, several, or even all of a patient's teeth and, unfortunately, its negative effects can not be reversed. Therefore, it is that much more important to recognize this disease as early as possible and to stop its progression right away before it has time to take hold. More benign gum diseases, such as gingivitis, can be cleared fairly simply by thorough professional tooth cleanings performed by a trained dentist. Symptoms that indicate the presence of periodontitis include the following:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Reddened or swollen gums
  • Loose and misaligned teeth
  • Bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth
The main and very unfortunate problem of a periodontitis is that, in many cases, there are no visible symptoms or even pain while the disease is still in its early stage and that symptoms only emerge once it is too late for any preventative treatments. For this reason, many patients and even some dentists fail to recognize this gum disease in its early stages. To avoid this from happening, frequent and regular dental check-up visits become all the more important. 

The damage to jaw bones that a periodontitis can cause, if it is not diagnosed and stopped in time, can reduce the foothold of teeth in the gums and thereby result in lost teeth. This is the case even for otherwise healthy teeth. Based on the discoveries from recent scientific research, advanced periodontitis can also have an adverse effect on other body parts besides the oral cavity. In particular, periodontitis has been connected to problems of the circulatory system, diabetes, and medical issues during pregnancy.

How is periodontitis treated?

Though, as already mentioned, the damage caused by periodontitis can not be reversed, its progress ted via a well-planned out course of treatment. The most important goal of a periodontitis treatment is to halt the progress of the inflammation in order to prevent a deepening of the gingival pockets that form as a result of the inflammation. This is important because the deeper the gingival pockets, the easier it becomes for bacteria to move in and multiply. Periodontitis treatments also carefully remove plaque and biofilms from dental surface areas and gingival pockets in order to prevent the formation of so-called centers of inflammation. The exact steps that a dentist takes as part of a periodontitis treatment depend directly on the stage of the disease and can be taken either in a single session or split up across several sessions. 

Periodontitis Treatment – Initial Stage

If an inflammation is discovered early on, a combination of very thorough dental care by the patient him- or herself and a professional tooth cleanings performed by a trained dentist can significantly reduce the degree of bacterial infestation and the depth of any gingival pockets that may have formed. Depending on the results of the first professional tooth cleaning, the dentist may opt to repeat it, as needed, until dental plaque and bacterial contamination have been reduced to a sufficient degree. 

Periodontitis Treatment – Advanced Stage

In cases of more advanced periodontitis, a so-called closed treatment becomes necessary. Such a course of treatment focuses on the manual removal of all harmful biofilms and dental plaques above and below the gum line with special tools and, in some cases, an ultrasound-based device. After the treatment, the dentist polishes the patient's tooth roots and tooth necks. 

Periodontitis Treatment – Follow-Up Therapy

Roughly 4-6 weeks after the conclusion of a periodontitis treatment, patient and dentist should plan for a follow-up appointment to check on the progress of the disease and to see whether the depth of gingival pockets has changed in a positive direction. Here, some additional x-ray photos can be helpful for evaluating the optimal next treatment step.

In cases of persistent inflammations, a dentist can also order an additional therapy with antibiotics or send the patient to an oral surgeon for the manual removal of gingival pockets (advisable when they reach or exceed a depth of 5-6 mm).

How much does a periodontitis treatment cost?
Depending on the type of treatment, periodontitis and gingivitis treatments can cost between € 10 and € 40 per tooth. Health insurance companies sometimes reimburse patients for these costs if gingivitis and periodontitis treatments are deemed medically necessary by a trained dentist. 

We hope that you found this primer helpful and suggest that you take a look at our blog as well as at our gum inflammation landing page for more information.

All the Best & see you soon, Ace!

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