Price transparency at the dentist - DentalAce makes it possible

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Price transparency at the dentist is now possible with DentalAce for the first time

As you already know, we built our Request Function into our platform at the beginning of 2019 to make it possible for patients to set treatment prices with specialists already prior to their appointments. Several months ago, we also added our Price Check Function to further maximize price transparency. Today and in this blog post, we would like to show you how these functions were received among patients and dentists and how they can be useful in the long run.

Let us first start with a review of our request function. Since early 2019, we've received over 350 individual procedure requests from patients. At first, this function took new users some time to get used to, but over the course of a few months, the number of requests significantly and noticeably increased. From all of our received requests, our dentists accepted roughly 5%. The same held true between January 2021 and May 2021. hough this may seem like quite a low number, the number of accepted requests has risen over time and has enabled a contingent of price-conscious dentists to more easily find those patients who were looking for a specific treatment at a specific price. For patients. we recommend one of the following strategies to optimally use this function:

  1. Detailed Search: When you as the patient are looking for a specific and/or newer treatment such as, for example, laser therapy at, ideally, a particular price and not necessarily in the following few days, then it makes sense to send a detailed request to our dentist network in order to find one or several appointments with the right dentist for you. 
  2. Price Optimization: When you are looking for an appointment with a top dentist as soon as possible and also at the best price possible, you can find an appointment with the dentist of your choice online while also submitting an online treatment request. Thereby you will be able to secure an appointment right away and, if a better one comes along in the form of an offer through a treatment offer from one or multiple dentists, you can cancel it in a few clicks and accept the offer with the best conditions.

Our Price Check Function is a little newer but has also seen rising interest from patients over the past 6 months. Over the past year, we've received 56 price check requests, 20 of which were accepted by our member dentists resulting in an acceptance rate of 35%. In the first 5 months of 2021, the acceptance rate went up to 40%. In other words, confidential price negotiations and agreements are in high demand among our dentist members given that price transparency clears up one of the most important treatment-related question for patients even prior to the actual appointment. Here we also have several strategies that patients can consider:

  1. Clear Information: When you have picked a dentist from our list and when you have booked an appointment with him or her, our price check function offers you a quick and easy opportunity to set and agree on your desired price level with the dentist even prior to an appointment. This can make any given treatment significantly more time-efficient.
  2. Price Optimization: When you as a patient are interested in several of our dentist members, you can send each one of them a confidential price check request to agree on an optimal price level prior to booking an actual appointment.

As you can see, we can by now not only introduce our new functions to you, our readers and users, but also show you success and performance statistics for them to highlight to you how to best use them to your advantage. So, if treatment prices are an important factor for you when looking for your perfect dentist, then you can follow suit with several hundred of our members and agree on treatment prices already prior to booking your next dentist appointment.

For more questions, feel free to reach us at and at 01 925 38 19.

All the Best and see you soon!

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