State of Dentistry 1Q'21: What is currently trending and what you should focus on

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State of Dentistry 1Q'21: What is currently trending and what you should focus on

As in every other branch, the field of data analytics is seeing increasing interest and dentistry is no exception.

This is why we have introduced our data analytics package in our blog so we can connect all of the most important trends around appointment bookings on our platform. 

In this article, we are showing you, on the one hand, what you could get with only a few clicks from our data analytics package, and, on the other hand, how appointment bookings have trended since early 2020. Let's start with appointment booking tracking. As you can see below, the number of bookings has grown significantly over the past year and has more than doubled since the first quarter of 2020. Even compared to the last quarter of 2020, booking numbers have increased in the first quarter of 2021:

Appointment booking trends since early 2020

Put succinctly, this is a very positive trend for us and our members. On top of that, we have compiled a few statistics in the form of treatment groups that show which types of appointments saw the highest demand among patients between 1Q'20 and 1Q'21.

As you can see below, treatments that fall into the category "Decay Treatment - Heavy" saw the highest growth. Examples of such treatments are root canal treatments and tooth extractions. Orthodontics also saw quite a bit of growth with a 700% growth rate last year. In this category, you can find dental prosthetics, Invisalign, and other kinds of braces. Year-to-year growth of the remaining treatment groups is also impressive, yet a bit lower given growth rates of 400% or below over the past 15 months. Tooth replacements include, for example, dental crowns and dental bridges. Cosmetic dentistry includes dental bleachings and veneers. Finally, all sorts of dental sealants and fillings as well as inlays fall into the category of "Decay Treatments - Light/Medium" and Routine Dental Care covers everything around control visits, professional dental cleanings, and all sorts of other regularly necessary procedures. 

Dental treatment groups

What's important to remember here is the fact that percentages do not equal quantities sold and, in fact, the vast majority of performed procedures falls, unsurprisingly, into the top two categories.

How these detailed statistics can help both dentists and ad partners is clear. 

As a dentist, you can use these concise statistics to optimize your offerings in terms of palette and even pricing, as explained in this video, based on what is currently trending already. 

As an ad partner, you can, based on the product or products that you are selling, clearly determine which will likely be in higher demand based on the demand of your target customer base (dentists). In other words, if relatively few professional dental cleanings are performed in a given region, then the demand for new scalers and related equipment will be correspondingly low. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this brief data snapshot and we stand ready to respond to any questions with advice and information at and at 01 9253819

All the Best and see you soon!

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