Special offers strengthen the trust between patients and dentists

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Special offers strengthen the trust between patients and dentists

Dear DentalAce Members,

Today, we would like to introduce a completely new function of our platform ,which will make it significantly easier for our patient users to find the right dentist.

Our new special offer function comes with the following value proposition:

  1. For Patients: Get the treatments that you need at significantly better terms (e.g., prices) and, potentially, secure several appointments in advance.
  2. For Dentists: Reach more new patients by offering particular procedures of your choice at specific terms for a limited period of time. 

For a brief tutorial on how to use this new function, please take a look at the illustration below.

For questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone at any time.

All the Best, Ace!


Tutorial for Patients

Click on the special offer icon

Register with DentalAce for free to see offer details

Review offer details and mention them during your next appointment

Tutorial for Dentists

Log into your profile and click on the offers tab

Enter your offer parameters

Submit your special offer so we can market it to our DentalAce Community

Receive more online appointment bookings thanks to your offer

Any questions?
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