DentalAce dentist poll in 1Q2020 provides further proof of our platform’s value for members
Given that the Covid-19 “Lockdown” period is now finally coming to an end here in Austria, more and more Viennese are starting to look for a competent dentist to take care of their dental prophylaxis and treatment needs. To help locals with finding the perfect dentist, we from DentalAce strive to optimize the functionality and features of our platform on an ongoing basis and to make sure that we are delivering exactly what our dentist members are looking for so they can take care of patients, we conducted a survey among our dentist members to get their thoughts on the DentalAce value.The following blog post summarizes the key takeaways from our poll and illustrates the feedback from our members which very clearly proved not only the utility that they are deriving from our platform but also the fact that they value our work focused on improving dental care as a whole in our country.
Let’s start with the two simplest and clearest, yet possibly the most impactful and important statistics:
1. How would you rate the DentalAce platform from the perspectives of user experience, user friendliness, and utility for your practice? (5 Stars = Very Good, 1 Star = Terrible)?
Average grade: 5 Stars
2. Will you stay with us and become a DentalAce member at the end of 2020?
Response given by all poll takers: Yes
After receiving such encouraging feedback, we also asked about how DentalAce fares in terms of facilitating effective communication between dentists and their patients – especially compared to some more traditional channels:

Note: Since our survey was conducted in German, the response graphics are in German as well.
To nobody’s surprise, all of our dentist respondents still communicate with patients via phone and e-mail, as they have for decades prior, when it comes to appointment scheduling and other matters. What is positive to see, thought, is that within only 1 year, DentalAce has managed to get to equal footing with social media channels in terms of dentist-patient communication and, while every beginning takes time, we are convinced that by the end of 2020, we will be able to more than double our market presence in terms of dentist-patient communication share.
Next up, we wanted to know which features and functions of the DentalAce platform resonated the most with our dentist members. As expected, the ability to build a strong and sustainable online presence via our platform was rated as one of the largest value adds that we provide:

The significantly faster and easier acquisition of new patients via DentalAce and the significant cost savings related to practice marketing were also highly valued by our members. So far, so good, because our member poll basically confirmed the key value drivers that we set out to build and provide for our members.
Still, that was not quite enough for us and so we asked one more quick question regarding which of the many functions of the DentalAce platform is improving dental practice operations the most. Again, as expected, the theme of new patient acquisition continued being front and center and our built-in online appointment booking functionality emerged as our most popular feature:

Our patient request function is also valued, and we expect that its utility for dentist members will grow over time as more local dentist seekers learn about and test it.
So, there we have it. Positive feedback on the one hand and a clear goal to surpass the traditional means of dentist-patient communication over time on the other hand.
In conclusion, we would like to send a big thank you to all of our poll takers for sharing their thoughts and views about DentalAce with us and our readers.,
All the Best and see you soon!
Your DentalAce Team